SOU Advising & Student Success
How do I find my advisor and access Degreeworks (my degree audit)?
Access DegreeWorks
What if I’m struggling in my classes?
- Check out our Tutoring Center
- Check in with your instructor, ask questions and seek their advice on how to improve.
- For any other concerns, reach out to your Student Success Coordinator.
How do I find out if my transfer courses will meet requirements at SOU?
Try the Transfer Student site and scroll down to Transfer Tools.
How do I find classes?
SOU courses and course information are available in the Class Schedule.
- First step: Select the correct term.
- You can search by subject by clicking on the class subject in the drop down box under Select Subject.
- The filters on the right side can be used for narrowing your search.
- Under University Studies and Course Filters, you can search for classes within the specific University Studies strands (for pre 23-24 catalogs) or Core Capacity Gen Ed Program (starting with 23-24 catalog).
- Under Delivery Method, online can be chosen so only the online classes will be listed in your search.
- Once you have chosen the term, subject, or University Studies and Course Filters, then click Search. This will show a list of classes within the search parameters.
- Other Class Schedule Tips
- Once you find a class that you want to register for, write down the CRN number on the left side.
- If you click on the title of the class, you will see the description of the class as well as if there are any prerequisites to the class.
- If there are any Footnotes, click on Footnote for that class to get more information about the class.
- If you click on the instructor’s name, you will see the instructor’s contact information.
How do I register for classes?
Go to Registration & Planning.
How do I remove a hold?
Go to Registration Holds.
How do I apply to graduate?
Visit the Degrees & Graduation page for directions and details about applying to graduate.
Email with questions.
How do I find what textbooks I need?
Visit the SOU Bookstore site to find the textbook search tool.
How do I find the Academic Calendar?
Go to the Academic Calendar.
Where can I find my unofficial transcript?
Go to Student Registration & Tools.